People Seeking Asylum

Everyone in our community is enriched when people seeking asylum can belong, participate and contribute.


We campaign on specific issues to improve the lives of people seeking asylum. These campaigns complement the advocacy of service providers in the refugee sector by drawing together everyday people to stand in solidarity with newcomers to Sydney. Our campaigns are led by people seeking asylum and refugees and by members of our partner organisations. 

In 2015, together with the Asylum Seeker Interagency (ASI) we secured transport concessions for people seeking asylum living in our state. For many people seeking asylum this was the beginning of being able to get around Sydney, to participate in community life, and access education, work and services. 

In 2016, again with ASI, we persuaded the NSW government to offer free TAFE to people seeking asylum and refugees. Prior to this people seeking asylum were considered international students, putting education out of reach.  

From 2019 we have successfully campaigned for 30+ places for children at early childhood education centres. 

These campaigns built upon a campaign of “changing the conversations” - sessions where people across Sydney metropolitan participated in a table talk with a person with lived experience. Over 11’000 people have taken part since 2015.  

In 2023 the Sydney Alliance will be bringing together Alliance partners to meet with the NSW Treasurer within 100 days of the election. Stay tuned.


By bringing together and organising with people with lived experience and other people of good will, we create a new conversation about how to welcome people seeking asylum and refugees in our city. 

While it is unlikely that the Federal Government will shift its position, NSW and local government, business and civil society can use their power to ensure that people seeking asylum living in our city can heal, rebuild their lives, and contribute to the life of our communities.  


Leadership of People Seeking Asylum 

We are committed to leadership of people with lived experience. If you are a person with lived experience of seeking asylum or would like to be connected to that subgroup of leaders, please contact our Organiser Chantelle at

Early Childhood Education & Care Campaign 


There are over 400 children under 5 living in Sydney on Bridging Visas, without access to early childhood education and care. Many of these children were born in Australia.

The Early Childhood Education and Care Campaign targets early learning providers, local and state governments to ensure children seeking asylum can access critical early learning, so that they can thrive at school and their parents can work and study.

 To be connected to the campaign contact our Lead Organiser David at

Local Councils

Local councils can provide critical services and a voice for people with lived experience. Many councils are ‘Refugee Welcome Zones’ but this doesn’t always turn into action.  

The Alliance local government campaign in 2021 is creating opportunities for local councils to provide practical support and coordination for people seeking asylum. 

Contact our Lead Organiser David at for more information.

Changing the Conversation on People Seeking Asylum


Often, the voices of people seeking asylum are missing from public conversation. We work to change the conversation through a program of "table talks" held by civil society organisations. These events offer a safe, respectful space for people seeking asylum to share their own stories and for members, staff and volunteers to explore their questions and concerns about policies impacting people seeking asylum with an expert in the field.

If you’d like to run a table talk in your organisation contact our Lead Organiser David at

Find out more about how to host a table talk here.